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Zoom Fun: Escape Room Ideas - Knowledgebase / Zoom - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

Zoom Fun: Escape Room Ideas

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Zoom Escape Room Ideas

Creating a Zoom escape room can be a fun and interactive activity for participants. Here are the steps to create a Zoom escape room experience:

  • Choose a theme: Choose a theme for your escape room, such as mystery, adventure, or a specific setting such as a haunted house or a space station. The theme will set the tone and guide the puzzles and context.
  • Create a story: Create a compelling story that combines puzzles and challenges. Consider the purpose of the escape room and how participants will progress through the story by solving each puzzle.
  • Plan puzzles and challenges: Develop puzzles and challenges that participants must solve to make progress in the escape room. These include puzzles, codes, ciphers, hidden objects, logic puzzles, or communication challenges. Make sure the level of difficulty is appropriate for your target audience.
  • Optimize the puzzles for the Zoom format: Consider how each puzzle can be designed for the Zoom environment. For example, you can use screen sharing to display pictures or documents about puzzles, use the chat feature to send responses or get cues from participants, or use a breakout room for the group has been united
  • Prepare signs and symbols: Provide signs and symbols throughout the escape room experience to guide participants when they are stranded. These can be delivered via Zoom chat, shared documents, or host.
  • Create audio-visual materials: Enhance the escape room experience by adding audio-visual materials. Use pictures, video, sound, or background music to set the scene and engage participants in the story.
  • Be sure to test the escape room: Before renting the escape room, thoroughly test each puzzle and all flows to ensure maintenance and consistency. Make any necessary adjustments based on test feedback.
  • Host the escape room: Schedule a Zoom meeting for the designated time and invite participants. Introduce the escape room theme and storyline, explain the rules, and guide participants through the experience. Be available to provide hints or assistance when needed.
  • After participants have completed the escape room, take the time to debrief and discuss the experience. Allow participants to share their thoughts, highlight key moments, and address any questions they may have.
  • Remember to create a challenging but achievable experience, provide clear instructions, and foster a collaborative environment to ensure an enjoyable escape room experience for your participants.