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Kahoot! Instructions - Knowledgebase / Instructional Resources - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

Kahoot! Instructions

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Kahoot! is an interactive “Bring Your Own Device” review game that reviews content in a fun, competitive atmosphere. Instructors can use existing games, edit existing games, or create their own content.


Create a Kahoot:

  1. Create a FREE instructor account at 
  2. Click on “Create a Quiz.”
  3. Enter the basic information about your quiz, such as the title, description, etc.
  4. Create questions by clicking on the “+ Add Question” icon.
  5. Create your question (max 90 characters), answers (max 60 characters), and customize options.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each question.
  7. Select “Save” to save and “I’m Done” to publish your Kahoot!

Play a Kahoot:

  1. Go to and login to your account
  2. Click on “My Kahoots,” find your Kahoot, and select “Play.”
  3. Select “Classic” or “Team Mode”
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions
  5. Once all participants have joined, click “Start” to play your Kahoot!

Kahoot! Video Tutorial: Click Here