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Teaching online: Strategies for success - Knowledgebase / WORKING REMOTELY - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

Teaching online: Strategies for success

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How to create and run an effective and engaging online course

Establish an effective and intuitive organization of your course

  1. Create weekly modules.  Within each weekly module, you can include:
    1. Recorded lectures (if available)
    2. PowerPoints
    3. Links to external material or media
    4. Discussion for the week
    5. Assignments/quizzes/exams for the week
  2. Set clear expectations within each module, which would include due dates for assignments
  3. Each module should have the same order and flow

Instructor Presence

  1. Make sure to show your presence through regular communication with students
    • Post announcements
    • Respond to emails promptly
    • Provide feedback on assignments
    • Respond to discussion board posts
    • Consider making short videos to post at the beginning of each module describing what is expected of students
    • Conduct virtual office hours

Promote Student Engagement

  1. Weekly discussion board
    • Create thought provoking prompts based on the material covered.
    • Require students to post to the discussion board and then respond to 1 or 2 other students
    • Provide a rubric to illustrate what is expected in discussion board
  2. Weekly knowledge check self-grading quiz
    1. Can be short 10 question quiz
  3. Create group assignments
    • Convert traditional assignment into a group assignment
    • Set clear expectations what is required
    • Assign roles within the group
    • Provide a rubric to illustrate what is expected by each member of the group
    • Grade can be individual or as a group
  4. Allow for student peer review, if applicable

For more information on how to set up the activities above, please click on the link below:

Canvas How To Guides