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Student Research and Scholarship Day Poster Templates - Knowledgebase / Instructional Resources - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

Student Research and Scholarship Day Poster Templates

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2025 Student Research and Scholarship Day Poster Templates Attached.

These are managed by COM Communications and OSA. Please do not alter the look or logos. 

Below are the guidelines for preparing your poster(s). Please adhere to them closely because all posters will need to be approved by FAU before printing. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.



Per FAU Branding Guidelines, you can not alter the FAU Schmidt College of Medicine Logo.  If you need to add another institution’s logo, please move over the Poster Title text box and insert the logo in the upper left corner.

Poster content and appearance:  You can reference the ACP’s Guide to Preparing for a Poster Presentation

Your name & mentor names should be spelled out completely with first and last name, and include appropriate title (First name Last name, MS2, M.D., Ph.D. etc.). Make sure that all authors and institutional affiliations are listed. Traditionally, the mentor(s) name(s) is listed last, but please discuss the listing order with your principal investigator/mentor.

Keep the lettering simple. Use no more than three different font sizes; the largest for the poster title, second-largest for section titles, and smallest for text. The smallest font should be large enough so it is easily read from a distance of 3 to 5 feet (usually, 24-point font).  However, the references can be smaller text size.

There should be no large blank spaces on your poster.

You MUST include a reference section- If you need to reformat the poster to fit them in, please keep in mind that all sections of font should still remain the same size (the references section can be smaller than the rest of the font)

Make sure your poster is HIPAA compliant. Crop photos with any identifiable features. Contact the Office of Student Affairs if you have any questions about photos or descriptions.

You must review your poster with the principal investigator/mentor for approval before submitting it to the Office of Student Affairs. After you have completed your poster and reviewed it with the principal investigator/mentor for approval, please e-mail it to Please send the file as a PowerPoint document (you do not need to save it as a pdf).

Any student who does not e-mail the poster to us by the deadline will not be permitted to present.

The Office of Student Affairs will review your poster format and, if necessary, make changes prior to printing to meet the format of the poster symposium. OSA will send you an approval email letting you know your poster is ready for printing.

All poster presenters will need to have their poster printed and turned into the Office of Student Affairs no later than Friday, February 14, 2025. Posters can be printed for free through FAU Student Government. Only 2 posters will be printed per student each semester. Poster files must be submitted at least five (5) business days in advance. You can also have your poster printed quickly for $35 each at the Toshiba Print Center on Campus.