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M1 iPad Pre-Orientation Steps Email - Knowledgebase / *M1 Student Materials* - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

M1 iPad Pre-Orientation Steps Email

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Dear __________ _____________,

Welcome to FAU and to the Schmidt College of Medicine!

During your orientation week, you will be receiving an Apple iPad, Apple Pencil, and Keyboard case. These tools will be used as a core resource duringyour medical education curriculum.

Prior to obtaining your device, there are several steps that you must complete prior to Monday.  

PART ONE: What you need to do today:

In order for you to receive your iPad, you must complete the following steps no later than Friday July 28 , 2023:

1. Create a new (@health) Apple ID using your FAU email address ( ). DO NOT use your personal email address. Please remember your password and be prepared to use it during orientation.

2. Confirm your accounts are all functioning properly:

  1. Confirm that your email is working by logging in to the Office 365 Web Portal at
  2. Confirm that your FAU account is working by logging in to MyFAU portal at
  3. Confirm that your FAUNetID has been activated by going to the  Accounts Activation page.
    • Please note: If you experience any issues with steps 1-3, please contact the Central Help Desk at 561-297-3999 for assistance.

3. Create your iClicker Cloud Student Account with COMIT-Provided License Code: 

  1.  Join the 2023 M1 Orientation Course: 
  2. Create an Account (using your FAU credentials)
  3. IMPORTANT: Redeeming your 365 Day License Subscription
    1. Go to the home screen
    2. Select the three lines
    4. Select POLLING (ignore the 14 day free trial- COMIT has purchased you a 365 day license that you need to redeem)
    5. Enter Single-Use Access Code: _______________

4. Read and Acknowledge IT Policies:

  1. Acceptable Use Policy -
  2. Privacy, Confidentiality, and Information Security Agreement -
  3. FAU College of Medicine – Information and Data Security Policies -
  4. Lost, Stolen or Damaged Device - Frequently Asked Questions -

5. Final Step: Fill out the COM IT Acknowledgement Form

PART TWO: During Orientation

  • You will receive your iPad, Apple Pencil, and Case on Monday, July 31st
  • Along you with iPad bundle, you will receive College of Medicine-specific instructions. Please follow these instructions exactly to ensure your iPad is setup correctly and receives the required apps.
  • You will need to know your AppleID, AppleID Password, your FAU email address, as well as your FAU Z-Number in order to setup your iPad.
  • The COMIT and Mock Quiz sessions on Wednesday, August 2nd will require the use of your ready-to-go iPad, including the pre-loaded Examplify and iClicker Cloud Polling apps. 

You are free to bring your own laptop or other devices (Mac/PC) as a course supplement to your FAU-issued iPad. Please note that your FAU issued iPad is State property and will be collected at the end of 4 years. 

Should you have any IT questions, please check out our COM IT Support Portal at as well as our M1 Knowledgebase Section, which as lots of important information to assist you with your education.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you during orientation!

College of Medicine IT


How to setup an Apple ID

You are requiredto create one Apple ID in order to access your FAU-issued iPad. Please remember your password and be prepared to use it during orientation.

Steps on how to create your Apple ID on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Steps on how to create your Apple ID on a Mac or PC

Apple ID Creation form

Read and Acknowledge IT Policies

All College of Medicine workforce members who receive an FAU-issued mobile device (such as a phone, tablet or laptop) must be aware of the following applicable policy and informational documents: