How to View and Manage Attendance Data in iClicker Cloud
The Attendance section of the iClicker Cloud instructor website allows you to:
- View student alerts
- View Attendance session details
- Manually update Attendance data
- Export Attendance data
- Video: Managing Attendance data
Sign in to the instructor website and select your course

Navigate to the "Attendance" section
Select Attendance from the side navigation panel to view a summary of all student Attendance data for your course to date.
View student alerts
Red cells alert you to students who have met or exceeded the number of unexcused absences that you specified in in your Attendance settings. If you did not specify an Alert setting, you will not see any red cells in the Unexcused Absences column.
View Attendance session details
Select an Attendance activity to view a summary of the session.
Update the "Session Name"
From the Session Details window, you can update the Session Name. Click Save when you're finished.
Delete an Attendance session
If you need to permanently remove the Attendance session from your course, click Delete Session. Learn more about deleting class sessions and activities in iClicker Cloud.
Manually update Attendance data
To edit the Attendance status for an individual student, click on the cell you would like to update.
Change Attendance status or make notes
You can change a student’s Attendance status and/or make notes. These notes are private to you–not shared with students–and can also be exported with the Attendance data. Click Save and changes will be reflected in your Attendance data.Note: If you grant a student an excused absence, only the student's Attendance record is updated. If you need to update the student's Polling or Quizzing points for the excused class session, you can do so separately in the Gradebook section of the instructor website.

Note the edited data
An Attendance cell that you have manually updated will be indicated with a gray triangle in the upper-right corner.

Export Attendance data
Click "Export" in the upper-right corner

Select the file format and sessions to export
You can select from the drop-down menu to export Attendance data with (.xls format) or without (.csv format) any notes that you’ve made for individual students.You can also select if you want to export some or all of your Attendance session data.
When you are satisfied with your selections, click Export to prompt the download to begin.