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Guide to Developing a Data Management Plan (DMP) - Knowledgebase / Research - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

Guide to Developing a Data Management Plan (DMP)

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Data Management Plan

(Sample Documentation)

Name of Project:

Person completing this form:

Organizations involved with collecting, providing, storing, and archiving the data:

Duration of study (Anticipated start/end date):

This format is an example of questions that need to be completed for most studies. Not all questions will apply to all studies.

Data Description:

Provide a brief description of the information/data to be gathered -- the nature, scope, and scale of the data that will be generated or collected. Provide a sample if applicable. 

Are you collecting/ interacting with HIPPA/PHI protected data?

If yes,   Will you be de-identifying the data?

            Who will doing the de-identification?

            Who will hold the key to re-identify the data?

            Where will the key be stored?

            Describe the Scrubbing method used to protect the data?

            What data (data fields) will you be recording or collecting?

Data Collection Process:

How will the data be captured and recorded? 

What devices will be used? 

What software will be used? 

If you are surveying, how will you handle informed consent with respect to communicating to respondents that the information they provide will remain confidential when data are shared or made available for secondary analysis?

Existing Data:

Will you be referencing or using data that was previously collected? 

If so,    What is the data? 

Who owns the data? 

Do you have written permission to use the data?  

If so, for what time period are you allowed to access the data?  

How will you access the data? 

Are you allowed to copy this data? 

Data Format:

Specify the anticipated submission, distribution, and preservation formats for the data and related files (note that these formats may be the same).

Data Sharing:

Indicate how you intend to share your data (both collected during the study and at the conclusion of the study). 

What data will be shared? 

How will it be transmitted? 

Are there any legal implications of sharing your data?  

Does sharing require approval?  

If so, by whom?   How will that be recorded?

Data Access

Who will have access to the data during the study?  

Who will have access to the data following the completion of the study? 

Who will manage the access? 

How will access be managed?

Will the data be made available to anyone outside the study?

Data Storage:

Indicate how and where you intend to store your data (physically) and why you have chosen that particular option. (Note: storing data on a password protected computer is not secure.)

On what media will you store the data? 

Is the media encrypted?

Is the device password protected?

Data Organization:

Indicate how the data will be managed during the project, with information about version control, naming conventions, etc.

Data Archive and Preservation:

Indicate how you intend to store/ archive the data following the end of the study.  

For what period of time will the data be stored following the end of the study?

Data Backup:

Indicate how the data will be backed up? 

How often will the data be backed up?

What devices will be used? 

Where will it be stored? 

Who is responsible for backing up the data?  

Who will have access to the backup? 

How many backup copies will be created? 

How long will the backup be kept for?  

How will backups be removed/destroyed?

Data Ownership:

Who owns the data during the study?  

Who owns the data at the conclusion of the study?

Who is the custodian of the data?

Who is responsible for the destruction of the data upon the termination of the retention period?

Are there any copyrights associated with the data?

Quality Assurance 

Are there standards to be met?


Indicate any costs relating to data storage or archiving.  

Who is paying for these fees? 

What is the backup plans if funding is not available?

Legal Requirement:

Indicate any legal requirements related to collecting, archiving and sharing of the data.

Security and Compliance:

Who will oversee the collection, access and security of the data? 

How will security be managed?  

How will the security be checked?  How often? 

What processes will be followed should someone with access to the data leave the study? What plans are in place should the custodian of the data leave?

IT Questions:

Are there any questions or needs that you would like IT to assist with?