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Zoom General: Participant Meeting Controls - Knowledgebase / Zoom - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

Zoom General: Participant Meeting Controls

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Zoom Participant Meeting Controls


The participant controls appear at the bottom of your screen.

Participants have access to these features:

  • Join Audio or Unmute/ Mute: Mute and unmute your microphone.
  • Start Video  / Stop Video  : Turns your camera on or off.
  • Participants : See who's currently in the meeting. The participants list also gives you access to these options:
  • Share Screen : Start a screen share (if the host allows). You will be able to select the desktop or application you want to share.
  • Chat Access the chat window to chat with other participants.
  • Show Captions : When enabled by the host, click Show Subtitle to view the transcription in the meeting window.
  • Reactions : Meeting reactions, nonverbal feedback, and Raise Hand allow you to communicate issues or feedback to the host or presenter without disrupting the meeting. These reactions are shown on your video panel and next to your name on the participants panel. 
  • Settings : Access other in-meeting/webinar settings
  • More 
    • Stop incoming video: Allows you to disable incoming participant videos. This can be used in order to preserve bandwidth and improve the quality of your meeting experience.
  • Leave: Leave the meeting while it continues for the other participants. Only the host can end the meeting.