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OwlMed: Request an On-Demand Evaluation (Student) - Knowledgebase / OwlMed and Canvas - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

OwlMed: Request an On-Demand Evaluation (Student)

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Request an Evaluation (On-Demand Evaluation) in OwlMed


When enabled by the institution, Students can Request An Evaluation of them to be completed.

  1. Click Request an Evaluation on the Eval Portal screen.
  2. Complete fields on the Request An Evaluation screen.
  3. Click Submit to close the Evaluation Request. An email with a link to the evaluation will be sent to the evaluator you chose.
  • Course Section: Use the drop-down to select the Course Section associated to the Evaluation Request.
  • Associate this evaluation with an Event?: This optional drop-down allows the Evaluation Request to be associated to a particular Event.
  • Evaluation Form: This drop-down will provide a list of approved Evaluation forms available for On-Demand Evaluation Requests.
  • Evaluator: Use the Evaluator drop-down to designate to whom the Evaluation form should be sent.
  • Notes to include in Request: Provide additional notes to be included in the Evaluation Request with the text box.


Once submitted, a confirmation message will be provided to verify that the Evaluation Request was successful.