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OwlMed: How to Map Curricular Threads (Themes) - Knowledgebase / OwlMed and Canvas - FAU College of Medicine Support Center

OwlMed: How to Map Curricular Threads (Themes)

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Mapping Curricular Threads in OwlMed

The 5 threads to be mapped during AY2023/2024 and beyond are:

1. Ethics, Professionalism & Professional Identity Thread (EPP)

2. Life-Long Learning & Discovery Thread (LLD) 

3. Geriatrics and Healthy Aging Thread (GHA) 

4. Communication, Compassion and Collaborative Care Thread (CCC) 

5. Structures, Systems & Society Thread (SSS)

Written Instructions:

Path: Home > Courses > [Select Course] > Mapping > Map Themes

  1. Navigate to 
  2. Find Course (Course Tab)
  3. Find Specific Event (By Calendar or within Events in Course)
  4. Mapping Menu Item --> Map Themes
  5. Theme Set = Threads (select Map Theme Set)
  6. Select your thread. 
  7. Close the window and return to step 3