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OwlMed: Add Personal Events

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OwlMed: Adding Personal Events

  • The Calendar can also be used to keep track of your personal events, study group sessions, appointments and more. Utilize the calendar to manage your time by adding Personal Events.

  • Add your own Personal Events to your calendar.

  • Once the Personal Event has been saved, you can also invite others from your institution to the Event. Click on the Event which now appears on the Calendar.

  • Once you are on the Personal Event page, complete the following steps to invite others to your event:
  • Click on People, then Groups
  • The Assign Groups to a Personal Event Screen will allow you to select the Users you wish to invite.
  • Click on the Users you would like to add to the Event from the Available Groups column. Once Users have been added to the Assigned Groups column, they will receive information about the Personal Event you created and invited them to join.